Two studio cups

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Two studio cups Empty Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 23rd 2018, 6:29 pm

This is one of two porcelain cups I bought from my local charity shop. They had a shelf full and it took me all of my will power to limit myself to two. All of the cups were by the same hand and feel very recent, but really nicely done. None of the cups were signed. All ideas welcomed, thank you.
Here are images of the first.

Two studio cups Dsc05610
Two studio cups Dsc05611
Two studio cups Dsc05612
Two studio cups Dsc05614
Two studio cups Dsc05613

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Two studio cups Empty 2nd of two studio cups

Post by Guest January 23rd 2018, 6:35 pm

This is one of two porcelain cups I bought from my local charity shop. They had a shelf full and it took me all of my will power to limit myself to two. All of the cups were by the same hand and feel very recent, but really nicely done. None of the cups were signed. All ideas welcomed, thank you.
Here are images of the second

Two studio cups Dsc05616
Two studio cups Dsc05621
Two studio cups Dsc05617
Two studio cups Dsc05619
Two studio cups Dsc05620
Two studio cups Dsc05615
Two studio cups Dsc05618

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by NaomiM January 23rd 2018, 7:00 pm

Nice shape and glaze, but the drip on the foot points to a hobby potter getting rid of their seconds or student work.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by NaomiM January 23rd 2018, 7:02 pm

I'm going to merge this with your other post because I'm pretty sure theyre by the same potter.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 23rd 2018, 7:11 pm

Thank's Naomi. Yes, the certainly are. The whole shelf (at least 12 of them) were obviously by the same hand.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 23rd 2018, 7:15 pm

Glad to have a couple of their seconds, if that is the case.
Could it not be a case of the style, possibly Chinese, as every cup I saw was unglazed at the base?

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by NaomiM January 23rd 2018, 7:17 pm

Our local charity shop also had about a dozen pieces by a potter who turned out to be a recent graduate from Farnham College. I met her in the local crafts room at Farnham Art in Clay. You may well find your potter at a local craft show.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32070
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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 23rd 2018, 7:40 pm

Ok Naomi, thanks for the feedback.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by dantheman January 23rd 2018, 7:42 pm

where was it bought? the area may be a clue

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 24th 2018, 4:40 pm

We do have a fair few potters within a 20 mile or so radius and I will have a dig, will update if anything interesting emerges.
What Naomi says makes good sense, though I am hoping that they were not given as seconds. For me, daft as it sounds, I am hoping that the way the glaze ends .5 of an inch or so from the base was deliberate and that the artist was simply inspired by some of the Oriental styles of days gone by.
I may well be popping back to buy the others, if they haven't been snapped up that is.
Thanks again for your input folks, much appreciated.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by studio-pots January 24th 2018, 6:16 pm

The way the glaze ends was deliberate and the maker has some expertise. If the others that you left have different types of glazes the likelihood is that he was using these cups as glaze tests and trying various combinations out.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 24th 2018, 6:32 pm

Hi studio, the others were identical in terms of where the glaze ends (asides from the flambe one with the big drip - see above), but all were different in decoration.
Some real variety in the way the handles were crafted and applied, it did look like a showcase of skills.
I hope the rest are still there. Irrespective of who made them, they are an absolute delight.
Many thanks again.

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by studio-pots January 24th 2018, 6:55 pm

I am not an expert on glaze composition but it's clear that this is someone trying out various combinations and showing skill doing so. The drip would have added something special to that cup, if it hadn't gone as far as it did.

Unless you are making a new year's resolution to change your username then why not buy!

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Two studio cups Empty Re: Two studio cups

Post by Guest January 27th 2018, 2:36 pm

Yes, I should have bought them, though the rule in this house dictates that one pot comes in & one goes out, so I have to be very selective with what I buy, or very careful with what & where I hide things Laughter
I popped backed this morning & the rest had gone. At least someone else is enjoying them.


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