Coalbrookdale plaster test figures.?
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Coalbrookdale plaster test figures.?
Can I have your thoughts please. I have acquired these lovely ladies and I think they are genuine, the information I have gleaned from the internet leads me to believe that these are late 19th century attributed to Francis Derwent Wood, they are electrobronzed finished and stand 35.5cm high. I think they are maquettes for the large bronze versions. They have some surface scuffs in areas but otherwise in really great condition considering their arterial. I’m enthusiastic that they are original as marked CF38 but I really have no idea. 🤷♀️
Rochellewillow- Number of posts : 313
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03
Re: Coalbrookdale plaster test figures.?
Could anyone please help point me in the right direction. I have still not been able to correctly identify these ladies even though they are marked CF38. The information that I have comes from the internet of a very similar pair with the same CF38 mark, I assumed that this was correct, however I am beginning to doubt and I am frustrated that I cannot find any information. I have only just heard back from the Ironbridge Gorge Museum and although they do not match any Coalbrookdale designs they know of they wouldn’t have been catalogued if they were test pieces and they certainly are not test figures for 6ft pieces. Derwent Wood did work at Coalbrookdale and Maw &Co. The museum would be interested in me donating them but I really would like to get to the bottom of the mystery before I make a decision. There is such a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the forum. I’m asking for your thoughts on where to possibly research further. Thank you.
Rochellewillow- Number of posts : 313
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03
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