Green bowl with candleholders in it - handwritten signature

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Green bowl with candleholders in it - handwritten signature Empty Green bowl with candleholders in it - handwritten signature

Post by Yelena December 5th 2021, 5:47 pm

Good day everyone.

Green color bowl with three candleholders in it.
Glaze is matte. Base is unglazed. Clay is white. Signature of the artist and the year of making on the base. The only data I could tell right now about this piece is that it is contemporary and made by an american potter. When I purchased it years ago, I did research and found a name of the author. Was relying on my memory and didn't write it down, which was a mistake. Now I don't remember the name.

Bowl is 7" in diameter in its widest part, dia - 6" in opening, approx.  2 1/8" in height, and base dia - 4 1/2".

If someone could decipher the signature, I will greatly appreciate.

Thank you in advance.

Green bowl with candleholders in it - handwritten signature Bowl-c11

Green bowl with candleholders in it - handwritten signature Bowl-c10

Number of posts : 42
Location : USA
Registration date : 2021-11-16

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