John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries

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John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries  Empty John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries

Post by NaomiM February 28th 2022, 2:08 am

Recorded as potting in Pateley Bridge and Otley, but not Leeds. So date unknown.
in the 1990s he moved out to Japan and has been potting there ever since, which probably explains why this is a suribachi bowl

John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries  Aafa2e10
John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries  Ead5dc10
John Dix, Leeds, Pateley Bridge and Otley Potteries  4af9d110

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32403
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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