Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found

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Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found Empty Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found

Post by Celtic_Fan December 11th 2023, 1:39 pm

Anyone any ideas who might have made this vase?
No marks unfortunately. Aprox 18cm tall and 8cm diam at base (about 9cm at widest point).
Thanks for any help.
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 021a11
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 022a10
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 023a10
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 024a10

Last edited by Celtic_Fan on December 12th 2023, 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found Empty Re: Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found

Post by denbydump December 11th 2023, 10:32 pm

Tolcarne maybe? That undulating glaze effect, down to bare stoneware.


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Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found Empty Re: Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found

Post by Celtic_Fan December 12th 2023, 1:05 am

Thanks, that does look like it could be.
The clay on this one also has a lot of black speckles, which shows up on the base of several of those as well.
Also, it has a lot of small black 'hairs', so may have had black felt attached or just been stood on black felt for a long time?
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 003a15

Whilst doing this reply, I've had a good look around the base and lower edge with a hand lens and found what (to the eye) looked like a smudge, but under the lens looks like possible letters? But it's tiny - 3mm x 4mm. On the lower edge of the vase, not the base. Shown both ways up. It could be a triangular mark, but I'm not seeing the TP. One looks more like an S to me??
Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 005a17

Unmarked vase - indistinct mark found 005b11

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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